Top Tips to Build A Culture of Compliance

Man in blue jumper sitting at laptop on the phone

A commitment to growth takes a commitment to continuous improvement. As you evaluate you manage the systems and protocols you have in place to manage spending, it’s important that you consider the policies and processes that keep your bottom line in line while protecting your company and its people.

Compliance rules and restrictions might keep changing, but the tools and technology keep improving as well. As you review your status-quo or consider new options, here are some tips you can follow to make sure you stay within policy, ahead of regulations and build a culture of compliance for your business.

  1. Push automatic reviews as close to the purchase as possible and reduce non-compliant spending before the money goes out the door.
  2. Apply controls across your overall spend policy, making sure preferred vendors, negotiated rates, spend limits, and other requirements are the easiest, best choices for employees to make.
  3. Use human auditors – backed with artificial intelligence – to review expense reports and strengthen oversight without adding overhead.
  4. Use intelligent technology to flag specific expense report spending that needs manager or auditor review.

To learn more, download the tip sheet today.