Are you struggling with unexpected costs or excessive spend Heres how to get employees to follow your travel and expense policies From city councils to government departments public...
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Cast your mind back to April It was the day Duty to Report came into effect Under the legislation large UK companies and LLPs now need to report on a halfyearly basis on their...
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Every business needs to protect their reputation But for professional services firms the pressure to be squeaky clean is even greater You must account for every expense you bill back...
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Are you responsible for managing business travel Then youll know how frustrating it is when people ignore policies sidestep the booking system and go direct to suppliers only to submit...
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When it comes to investing in technology its natural to ask whats the benefit One way to answer this is to look at what might happen if you dont invest In other words whats the cost...
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Your small business is successful so successful in fact youre starting to think about growing it So how do you grow a business The first step to growth is to plan for it Because...
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At SAP Concur we work with many businesses in the financial services industry The more we understand their challenges the easier it is to spot common trends One example most finance...
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Blockchain machine learning data visualisation what does the future look like for a rising Financial Director Liverpool Jane the finance director of a fastgrowing SMB biopharma...
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Spreadsheets and paper processes are the cornerstones of many financial processes Im sure you have a few in your business And for good reason They give you an audit trail of sorts ...
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The other week Chris Baker MD EMEA North and I were chatting about business travel We were both just back from trips and were discussing how much the industry has evolved over the last...
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