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Its not long now until the United Kingdom withdraws from the European Union Yes were talking about Brexit While some people might be tired of hearing about it Brexit is still top of...
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I recently visited the head of sales at a retail company and had just shown him the machine learning receipt capture technology on the SAP Concur mobile app What he said surprised me...
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According to PWC research only of people working in STEM roles in the UK are female Worse still only of leadership positions in the technology industry are held by women When it...
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In financial services the impact of fraud and noncompliance go beyond financial losses You depend on regulations and compliance to build trust among clients If lapses in compliance...
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Recent research reveals that of UK businesses expect to grow by Thats a very promising outlook in light of the upcoming Brexit In our latest eBook we offer a blueprint for every...
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The input of the finance team is a critical part of business growth In a recent survey of finance leaders we commissioned said the finance team play a vital role in helping achieve...
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UK finance departments are facing a problem Many dont have enough of the right staff in place Six in ten chief financial officers CFOs at UK companies said that they expected to have...
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Whats the usual reaction in your business to the announcement about a new system being rolled out Excitement about the difference it will make to your efficiency and productivity Or a...
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Can you answer this without using the internet how many miles is it between London and Manchester Now go and ask a few colleagues Odds are your answers will all be different and none...
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Little and often Its an approach thats recommended for selfimprovement activities such as exercise and learning Its also recommended for keeping on top of chores such as gardening and...
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