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TripIt Pro part of the Concur TripLink offering shows travellers the carbon emissions for their flights tracks their annual flight emissions and gives them ways to offset that...
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This article has been produced in collaboration with Telegraph Spark The original article as well as a collection of helpful guidance business stories and interactive quizzes produced...
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For businesses employee spend is often the largest cost after payroll And no wonder With less capital and fewer or smallersized shared services for managing IT travel purchasing and...
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Are you confident that your business spend management strategy fits together We put this question plus many more to finance leaders from businesses in our recent whitepaper of them...
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When it comes to business travel preparation is key Making sure to remember all necessary devices cords notes appropriate attirenot to mention everything else required for an overnight...
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This article has been produced in collaboration with Telegraph Spark The original article as well as a collection of helpful guidance business stories and interactive quizzes produced...
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Doing more with less has been the mantra in the public sector for at least a decade but it has perhaps never been more necessary than at the moment Every organisation is taking a long...
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As expected the number of people working from home jumped dramatically in lockdown In April the Office for National Statistics says nearly of the workforce did some work at home and ...
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percent of UK travel managers reported that their company was not fully prepared to manage evolving travel demands during the COVID outbreak The pandemic has put a pause on business...
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Hope for the best prepare for the worst Wise words for living your life and for running your business Sudden changes good and bad can greatly impact demand for your products and...
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