Today and with this article Id like to start a blog series that focuses on the overarching topic of Diversity and Inclusion DI Its a subject close to my and SAP Concurs heart and while...
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Growth and Optimization
We recently covered the question what are monthly management accounts and why do you need them Now wed like to spend a little time explaining what monthly management accounts should...
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Travel and Expense
Considering mileage is one of the largest categories of employee spend in most UK businesses you would think it would be easier to capture On the face of it its not always clear what...
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Employee Experience
Welcome to the new world of work While many organisations may still be unsure about the hybrid work model employees overwhelmingly prefer having the flexibility to work from...
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January is tough The postChristmas blues set in the weather reaches its coldest point and arguments over turning up the thermostat are in full swing This is where the Big Energy Saving...
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Growth and Optimization
Business transformation starts at the top But it cannot be achieved by mandate alone To create lasting change that shapes future success executives must act as the example  embodying...
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Weve all lived in uncertain times over the past two years Markets have fluctuated and CFOs have been constantly endeavouring to make sense of an uncertain outlook Deloittes recent...
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As we enter a new year companies are reviewing policies and ensuring their accounts are in good health to start on a high note This can also be a bit of a dreadful moment for finance...
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Growth and Optimization
Running a successful business has always been about keeping pace with change and these days change is faster and more drastic than ever The past two years have radically transformed...
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Since June the days have been shorter and shorter and now it feels like we barely see the daylight at all So on the December we will give a warm welcome to the Winter Solstice The...
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