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Late last year we released a study that looked into the state of duty of care within the UK which gave us some shocking results The most important of these was that from the per cent...
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Picture the scene you send your top employees away on a business trip with one objective close the deal They plan the trip book their travel and practice their pitch But then unfolds...
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In our recent white paper Connected Travel and Expense Management we introduced Nathan an employee at a typical SMB and showed a travel scenario he might experience Heres what happened...
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We learn about blind spots when we first start driving but its easy to forget to check them It isnt just driving where blind spots crop up A recent survey of UK finance leaders...
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When your employees travel for business create expenses or submit invoices your business is charged Value Added Tax VAT But how much of this are you entitled to reclaim in VAT returns...
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The dramatic fall of Carillion exposes the fundamental flaws in the UK economy that of supplier payments Last Monday when the news broke stories of its cleaning company contractors...
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Now that we are in the full swing of January Ive marked a few dates for the diary to help you keep on top of the key events in the finance calendar Put them in your diary now so that...
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On any given day you can guarantee that one of your employees is booking a business trip submitting an expense claim or raising a purchase order Thats a lot of spending out of your...
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Did you know that theres a bona fide solution to obtaining full visibility into company travel and expenses TE spendThat solution one of many comes in the form of a special...
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I dont want to panic you but were already a few weeks into the new year and while some may already be breaking their New Years Resolutions others may be yet to make them To help you...
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