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The statistics are clear Companies that create exceptional experiences for employees This last point is particularly important at the moment as we see the headlines about the...
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If you find yourself continually chasing late payments you arent alone The government estimates UK businesses are owed billion in late invoices Its Prompt Payment Code aims to solve...
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Whats the weather like with you today Its important because today July is St Swithins Day And according to folklore the weather today dictates the weather for the next days So if it...
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When faced with the crisis of the past year your natural reaction was probably to be defensive You may have cut costs cut staff and generally reigned spending in so you could weather...
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Whether youre trying to grow or scale your business your strategy should highlight changing market forces and your plan on how to react to them Entering new markets and expanding...
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From over or underspending on VAT to finding menial errors within expense reports ensuring your spend management is in tip top shape is crucial to sailing through the audit process In...
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There are many challenges relating to the AP process but one area that often gets overlooked is the impact of fraud human error and compliance on the bottom line In our talk Invoice...
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How Are Finance and IT Leaders Navigating the Path to PostPandemic Success It is with cautious optimism that we look forward to living and working in a postpandemic world If weve...
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Im fortunate to work exclusively with existing customers of SAP Concur and without doubt we are seeing more clients than ever before exploring how they can leverage technology on a...
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Cash flow is king is one of those business mantras that we all repeat but never stop to question But have you ever wondered why its king Shouldnt profit be the ultimate end goal Read...
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