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This is an article written by Russell Dalgleish Chair of Scottish Business Network Managing Partner Exolta Serial International Entrepreneur and Advisor linked to Business Agility The...
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For central and local government departments the challenge around reducing Scope emissions has long been their ability to measure their impact in the first place Until now says Conor...
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This post is the second in an ongoing blog series inspired by the Community Book Club that explores the positive impacts of reading and joining a peer community When did you last read...
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As companies of all sizes prepare for the coming economic recovery controlling spend and optimising cash flow can help them be more resilient But the key to controlling spend and...
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When we think of conducting business with customers most of us wouldnt think twice about complementing our meal with a nice glass or two of wine insert tipple of choice here Its a...
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Are you one of the organisations having conversations about how to tackle fraud at the moment You might be one of the many organisations seeing increased levels of fraud Oversight an...
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This post is the first in an ongoing blog series that explores the positive impacts of reading and joining a peer community We all love curling up with a book or listening to a podcast...
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Established in Future is no stranger to change From magazine publisher to global platform business for specialist media its business model has evolved dramatically and its content now...
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Sure you might not have thousands of salespeople and execs jetting off around the world every day but its not like your travel budget consists of the contents of your petty cash tin...
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Business travellers are eager to get back on the road to keep deals moving forward and serve their customers A recent SMB travel study surveyed businesses under employees and found...
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