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Research has revealed the scale of expense fraud in the UK public sector. What’s more, huge numbers of people in the sector admit to doing it. But prevention is an option.
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SAP Concur solutions help businesses of all sizes effortlessly manage their travel, expense, and invoice processes from anywhere. Check out why 48,000 customers worldwide choose us today.
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The ideal expense report should write itself. To be able to do that, it should be mobile and your data should be easily accessed through the cloud. Makes sense in today’s world, right? Not to everyone
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ESG reporting is an effective way for companies to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.
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Understanding the IDC Maturity Model and how it impacts your organisation
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SAP Concur research finds that the public sector is under threat from expense fraud, technical debt, and an impending talent crisis
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The Great Resignation is the name given to the trend of people choosing to quit or change their jobs or considering doing so in the near future. But why are so many employees quitting?
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Compliance is a hot topic as businesses try to clamp down on out-of-policy spend and reduce risk. We’ve highlighted some key insights from our recent Ask an Expert: Compliance webinar.
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Concur TripLink and Concur TripIt Pro make business travel easier by connecting trips, travellers and itineraries across channels to enhance and simplify the entire travel experience.
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Our users have spoken and they have ranked us #1 across three categories.
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